Sunday WorshipOur kid’s worship time is first and foremost designed to solidify the breadth and depth of God’s love for all. We utilize a thematic curriculum that focuses on a different theme each month, such as kindness, compassion and action. On the first Sunday of each month while our younger children gather in the children’s wing, our older children and younger youth are encouraged to remain in the main worship service. This particular service is designed to give them opportunities to serve through reading liturgy, sharing in prayer and much more. KUCC provides a nursery for safe and loving childcare for infants and toddlers staffed by a paid, trained adult and another volunteer adult or older youth.
Child/Youth ChoirOur kids come together seasonally for a time of music and song. Throughout the year, they lift their voices in a sweet and special offering. What a joyful noise these young voices add to our worship service.
Additional ActivitiesKid’s Night In, Field trips, Community service projects, and our annual Easter Egg Hunt, just to list a few.
VBS 2023- StellerAt Stellar VBS, we will launch off with our kids on a cosmic quest where they will have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the world. Stellar rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure as they are captivated with rugged moonscapes, colorful constellations and lunar landers. We can’t wait to SHINE BRIGHT as we Shine a light on Jesus’ love!! LEARN MORE HERE