We begin this Holy Lenten season with a companion, our brother, Peter. Like many of us, Peter was prone to wander, prone to leave the God he loved. Yet, throughout his journey of faith, over and over again, he made his way back to God, “Here’s my heart, o take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above.”
We’re using resources from the group Sanctified Art as they have beautifully woven a tapestry of scripture, song, artwork, and reflections, giving us insight into Peter’s wandering heart. When we look closely at Peter’s story, we realize his journey is not polished, or linear, or perfect, but he is always tethered to the love of God. And we find Jesus at each step along the way— offering him abundance, catching him when he begins to sink, challenging him when he stands in the way, washing his feet, predicting his betrayal, and offering him agape love.
I pray that during this Lenten season, as we move alongside Peter, we too may recognize the moments of our own wandering and be drawn ever closer to the God we love.
Join us onsite, on Zoom, and on FacebookLive for worship.
Holy Week at KUCC
SUNDAY MARCH 24TH - PALM SUNDAYOn Sunday, we'll kick off Holy Week with our feet as we March proclaiming Black Lives Matter while waving Palms during our Palm Sunday Parade. The Parade and March will begin at 4pm in the church parking lot at 100 Rogers St and move into Kirkwood before returning for worship in the sanctuary at 5.
THURSDAY, MARCH 28TH - MAUNDY THURSDAYOn Thursday, we’ll continue moving alongside Peter as we gather for a service of remembering that will include the Celebration of the Last Supper.
FRIDAY, MARCH 29TH - GOOD FRIDAYGood Friday will draw us together with words of witness as we remember the events leading to the cross.
Both of these Holy Week services will begin at 7pm and will be offered On-Line AND On-Site. Everyone-Everyone-Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate. |
SUNDAY, MARCH 31STFriends, we will gather EARLY at 7am Easter Morning for the Great Easter Celebration. Stay tuned for location.
Here are some helpful things to know: ~Brunch to follow worship ~Bring your Littles for the EASTER EGG HUNT following worship ~Be ready to sing and celebrate ~Everyone-Everyone-Everyone is WELCOME! |